School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences Auburn University Alabama, USA Prof. Peatman’s lab focuses on application of genetic and genomic techniques to the study of aquatic organisms important for aquaculture. Activities are directed at using “next-gen” approaches to examine questions pertinent to immunology, physiology, ecology, and molecular genetics. Plenary talk title: UTILIZING ‘OMICS TECHNOLOGIES AND…
Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences University of Gothenburg Gothenburg, Sweden The research of Prof. Sundell focuses on the role of the gut as a primary barrier against a hostile environment. Special emphasis is placed on translocation of pathogen bacteria, alternative food sources, developmental processes during the lifecycle and the endocrine systems; cortisol, prolactin and the…
Research Institute of Internal Medicine Oslo University Hospital Oslo, Norway Dr. Hov is interested to understand the contribution of host genetics and gut microbial composition on human chronic inflammatory diseases. His research group currently has a major focus on application of modern high-throughput technologies to understand the metagenome and its functions. Plenary talk title: HOST-MICROBIOME INTERACTIONS…
Department of Basic Sciences and Aquatic Medicine Norwegian University of Life Sciences Ås, Norway Prof. Krogdahl is a Professor in Animal Nutrition. Her research focuses on the relationships between nutrition and feeding, and responses in gut function and health characteristics, host immune and gut microbiota responses. Plenary talk title: OPTIMAL MUCOSAL FUNCTION REQUIRES OPTIMAL NUTRITION…