Abstract guidelines
Call for Presentations
The Scientific Committee invites you to submit high-quality papers for poster and oral presentation on any topic related to mucosal health research involving aquaculture species. Works on model organisms can be considered as long as with implications to aquaculture. Areas of particular interest include:
- Advances in mucosal immune system of fish and shellfish
- Mucosal immunomodulation
- Omics in mucosal health
- Quantitative mucosal health
- New farming technologies
Oral Presentations
Each oral presenter shall be entitled to no more than 15 minutes. This includes the presentation period and the time for discussion.
The presenting authors are kindly requested to provide their presentation in PowerPoint format (PPTX or PPT) to the Conference Secretariat the day before the presentation. Kindly provide the file name using this format: day number_session number_last name. (Eg. Day1_Session 1_Lazado)
Poster Presentations
Size: The maximum size for posters is A0 (118.9cm X 84.1cm) in portrait layout.
Authors are requested to mount their posters in the morning of Wednesday, September 11, 2019.
Mounting materials will be provided by the Conference Secretariat.
Authors should submit their abstract using the template provided below. The file should either be in a Word (doc. or docx) format. All abstracts must be in English – the official language of the symposium.
The following instructions should be carefully followed:
- The page format should be Standard A4 paper (210mm x 297mm = 8.27” x 11.69”) (portrait), with margins of 2.5 cm throughout.
- The TITLE OF THE PAPER in capital, bold letters (font size 13), with the exception of scientific names which should be upper/lower case and italicized.
- Names of the authors should follow the Harvard Referencing System, font size 12 (example: Lazado, C.C. / Karlsen, K.R.), justified and separated from the title by two lines. The name of the presenting author should be in bold letters and underlined. In the next line, the affiliation of the authors should also be provided.
- The text of the summary (font size 12) starts 3 lines after the addresses, headed by the word SUMMARY, justified.
- All text should be typed single spaced. Calibri light (or equivalent font), size 12, should be used.
- The maximum length of the abstract is 2 pages, including graphs and references.
- Paragraphs should be justified without indentation and separated by single line spacing.
Abstracts should be sent to the Symposium Secretariat (mha@nofima.no). Kindly write “ABSTRACT for MHA2019” in the subject line of the email. The following information should be included in the text of the email:
- the preferred presentation type (oral or poster or no preference)
- session
- also indicate is the presenting author of the paper is a student. (MHA Student Travel Award available)